What Everyone Needs to Know About Nitric Oxide

L-Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid which is a precursor to nitric oxide, meaning that the body converts L-Arginine into Nitric Oxide gas. Nitric Oxide is then used by the body to do many different things. In fact, the discovery of the Nitric Oxide Pathway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998. Nobel Prize Winning Research In 1998, three American doctors were able to demonstrate that the body uses Nitric Oxide gas to make blood vessels relax, elastic and dilated, a significant finding in the race to find new ways to improve and support cardiovascular health. What Is Nitric...
Supercharge Your Workout... Supercharge Your Energy... Supercharge Your Life!

We are all looking for the extra edge. We want to perform at our best at all times. However, sometimes the mind is willing but the flesh... not so much. Your heart beats 100,000 times and pumps over 2,000 gallons of blood each day. There are over 100,000 miles of blood vessels, arteries, and veins in your body. The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen, nutrients, and removes waste from every cell in the human body… giving it everything it needs for energy and life. What can we do to support our body, slow down aging, recapture our youthful vigor, and enhance...
Top 10 Reasons To LOVE Cardio Cocktail!

After delivering more than a quarter million bottles of Cardio Cocktail around the world, our customers have shared some amazing results with us. There literally dozens of health benefits and reasons to drink and LOVE Cardio Cocktail, including its unparalleled support of your cardiovascular system and entire body. So, to help you out, we have developed our top 10 reasons to LOVE Cardio Cocktail. #10 - Sweeteners That Are Good For Your Teeth ForMor pioneered the use of erythritol, xylitol, and stevia as a sweetening system that is high in great taste and low in glycemic impact and aftertaste. This combination has also been shown to benefit strong...